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Prof. Univ. Dr. Ciprian PÂNZARU
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Ciprian PÂNZARU
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Profesor universitar doctor la Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Facultatea de Sociologie și Psihologie, Departamentul de Sociologie, doctor în sociologie al Universității de Vest din Timisoara, abilitare în Sociologie în cadrul Universității Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj Napoca. Este autor a patru cărți în calitate de unic sau prim autor. A publicat de asemenea peste 40 de articole în reviste și volume de specialitate din țară și străinătate. Este membru al Asociației Europene de Sociologie - ESA (European Sociological Association) și al Societății Române de Sociologie – SSR. În cadrul Universității de Vest din Timișoara coordonează un grup de cercetare in domeniul complexității sociale - SCOPE.
Cursurile predate
Sociologia Migratiei - licență
Mobilitate si Stratificare Sociala - licență
Sociologie Economica - licență
Migratie si Somaj - licență
Economie - licență
Migration Studies (engl.) - master
Statistica Sociala- doctorat
Domenii de interes ştiinţific
Sociologia migrației, Sociologie economică, Mobilitate și stratificare socială. Sociologie computationala.
Direcții de cercetare
- Efecte ale migratiei internationale asupra sistemului de securitate sociala;
- Analiza pietei muncii utilizand tehnici de data mining si web mining.
- Rolul Big Data in analiza pietei muncii;
- Dinamici si proiectii de populatie;
- Proiectarea fluxurilor migratiei internationale utilizand algoritmi de inteligenta artificiala.
Publicații recente
Data Driven Decision Support Systems: An Application Case in Labour Market Analysis, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 19(1-2), 2016.
On the Sustainability of the Romanian Pension System in the Light of Population Declining. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 183, 2015.
The Geopolitics of Romanian Migration. Ceskoslovenska Psychologie 59, 2015.
Validity of the Push and Pull Hypothesis for the Explanation of Romanian Migration Flows, Journal of Social Research and Policy, 4(1), 2013.
The Determinants of Youth Unemployment. A Times Series Cross-Sectional Data Analysis, Social Work Review, 1/2013.
Labour Market and Social Security in Romania, European Review of Applied Sociology, 6(6), 2013.
Parent Involvement and Early School Leaving, Review of Research and Social Interventions, 40/2013, 2013.
The Effect of Population Aging on the Social Security System, European Review of Applied Sociology, 6(6), 2013.
The Determinants of International Migration. A Panel Data Analysis, Journal of Politics and Law, 6(1), 2013.
Factors Influencing the Deficit of Social Security Systems. A Panel Data Analysis, Romanian Statistical Review, 10/2012.
Romanian Migration Flows In European Countries: Does Social Security Matter?, Apulensis, 2(14), 2012.
Social Security in Romania after EU Accession. Risks and Trends, CES Working Papers, 3(2), 2011.
Social Risks Arising from Evolution Trends in Population Structure, Economic Insight, (63)2, 2011.
The Risks and Vulnerabilities on the Romanian Social Security System, ASE Publishing, Bucharest 2013.
The Marketing of War. A Sociological Approach, ProUniversitaria Publishing, Bucharest 2012.
Capitole de carti
Analysing Labour Demand and Supply Using Web Mining and Data Mining in Romania. In Larsen, C., Rand, S., Schmid, A., Mezzanzanica, M., & Dusi, S. Big Data and the Complexity of Labour Market Policies: New Approaches in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring for Reducing Skills Mismatches. R. Hampp Verlag, 2016.
The Roles and Functions of the Labour Market Observatories in Romania, in Larsen, C., Rand, S., Schmid, A., Atin, E., Serrano, R. (Eds.), Shifting Roles and Functions of Reigonal and Local Labour Market Observatories Across Europe. München, Mering, Rainer Hampp Verlag, 2013.
The Role of Skills Development in the Local Labour Market, in Larsen, C., Hasberg, R., Schmid, A., Atin, E., Brzozowski, J (eds), Skills Monitoring in European Regions and Localities. München, Mering, Hampp, 2012.
Cross-Border Labour Mobility between Romania and Hungary, in Larsen, C., Hasberg, R., Schmid, A., Bittner, M., and Clément, F. Measuring geographical mobility in regional labour market monitoring state of the art and perspectives. München, Mering, Rainer Hampp Verlag, 2011.
Working Papers
Forecasting Migration Flows using Agent Based Modeling. Research Group in Social and Economic Complexity, 2016.
Population Forecast and its Consequences for the Romanian Pension System, in Crises Challenges and Role of the Economic Science, the 3rd Edition, Bucharest Academy of Economics, 2012.
The Effect of Social Security Contributions on the Labour Market, in Crises Challenges and Role of the Economic Science, the 2nd Edition, Bucharest Academy of Economics, 2011.
The Impact on the State Social Insurance Budget Produced by Migration, in Crises Challenges and Role of the Economic Science, 1st Edition, Bucharest Academy of Economics, 2011.
Participari la conferinte internationale
Analysing labour demand and supply using web mining and data mining - A case study on Romanian labour market. Real-time labour market information: Skills requirements analysis. European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Agent Based Modeling. A New Aproach for Understanding International Migration. Conferinţa Internaţională a SSR, Brasov 2015.
Forecasting Romanian Migration Flows using Agent Based Modeling. The 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, Czech Republik, 2015.
The Geopolitics of Romanian Migration. International Conference "What’s Next For Democratic Capitalism? Social and Systemic Problems of Central European Democracies", Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences and Committee for Psychological Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland 2014.
Brain Drain Migration through Romanian Academics, RSS Conference: Society of The twenty-first Century. Challenges, Trends, and Perspectives, Iaşi, 2014.
Migration and Cross Border Mobility between Romania and Hungary, ESA Midterm Conference – Sociology of Migration, Paris, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, Paris, 2012.
The Effects of Labor Market Trends in Romania over the Sustainability of the Public Pension System, The Seventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Universidad Abat Oliba CEU, Barcelona, 2012.
The Relationship between Social Security and Labour Market, International Conference for Academic Disciplines, American University of Rome, 2012.
Validity of the Push – Pull Hypothesis for the Romanian Emigration, The 2nd International Rss Conference - "Beyond Globalization", Bucharest, 2012.
The Influence of the Economic Factor on the Romanian Labor Migration, The 3rd International Conference, "Economies of Central and Eastern Europe: Convergence, Opportunities and Challenges", Talinn School of Economics, Tallin, 2011.
Considerations Regarding the Relationship between Social Security and Labour Market. The 2nd International Conference on Business Administration and Economics, University of Eftimie Murgu Resita and Academic Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network of S.E.E.U., Reşiţa, România, 2012.
Risk Arising from Undocumented Work. The Case of Romanian Workers in the European Union, ESA 10th Conference 2011: Social Relations in Turbulent Times, Geneve, 2011.
Birou: 318 (UVT)