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Prof. Univ. Dr. Florin Alin Sava

- Prof. Univ. Dr. Florin Alin Sava
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Florin Alin SAVA este profesor de Psihologie la Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, unde este cadru didactic din 1999. A absolvit doctoratul la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (2005) și studiile de licență la Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara (1998). Interesele sale de cercetare vizează psihologia personalității, psihologia clinică și psihometria.
În viața profesională, îi place mai mult să facă cercetări. A dezvoltat cu succes noi instrumente psihologice care sunt utilizate în prezent în practica psihologică pe scală largă. La un nivel mai fundamental, el este interesat de mai multe aspecte precum (i) investigarea mecanismelor cognitive din spatele vulnerabilității emoționale și a proceselor de învățare asociate acesteia, cu accent pe trăsătura de nevrotism; (ii) interacțiunea dintre credințe și trăsăturile de personalitate (disfuncționale); (iii) interacțiunea dintre control și automatism în comportamentele noastre; (d) utilizarea noilor tehnologii (de exemplu, e-sănătatea) pentru a schimba modul în care evaluăm și asistăm psihologic oamenii. Pasiunea sa pentru cercetare a fost răsplătită printr-o bună vizibilitate națională și internațională, reușind să atragă până acum pentru UVT granturi în valoare totală în jurul a 3.000.000 de euro.
În viața personală, îi place să meargă cu bicicleta (off-road), excursiile la munte, să vizioneze filme științifico-fantastice, să călătorească cu familia și să fie un tată mândru. Îi place, de asemenea, să dezbată (ca un fost debater) și să practice ocazional mindfulness.
Domenii de interes ştiinţific
Psihologia personalității; Psihologie socială experimentală; Psihopatologie experimentală; Psihologie clinică; Psihometrie
Direcții de cercetare:
(a) neuroticism și emergența tulburărilor mentale - o abordare funcțional-cognitivă
(b) distorsiuni cognitive / de procesare a informației specifice trăsăturilor de personalitate sau tulburărilor de personalitate
(d) intervenții comportamentale validate științific (de preferință, livrate online)
Articole Web of Science sau Scopus (+60)
* Autor correspondent și/sau prim autor
Early Access (In Press & Accepted Manuscripts)
Crișan, I., & Sava, F.A. (in press). Validity assessment in Eastern Europe: cross-validation of the Dot Counting Test and MODEMM against the TOMM-1 and Rey-15 in a Romanian mixed clinical sample. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
Dudău, D.P., Chitez, M., & Sava, F.A. (accepted). Elucidating the emotional persona in the Romanian university students' academic discourse: A corpus-based exploration. Frontiers in Psychology
Avram, L. Ciumăgeanu, M., Sava, F.A. (2024). Written language: a promising gateway to anxiety disorders assessment. Sage Open, 14(2),
Baranski, E., Gardiner, G., Shaman, N., Shagen, J., Lee, D., … Sava, F.A., …. & Funder, D. (2024). Personality and conceptions of religiosity across the world’s religions. Journal of Research in Personality, 110, e104496
Bunghez, C., De Houwer, J., Rusu, A., & Sava, F. A. (2024). Exploring the association between neuroticism and negativity bias in evaluative counterconditioning. Learning and Motivation, 88, e102039.
*Bunghez, C., Rusu, A., De Houwer, J., Perugini, M., Boddez, Y., & Sava, F. A. (2024). The moderating role of neuroticism on evaluative conditioning: evidence from ambiguous learning situations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 15(6), 717-728.
*Isbășoiu, A.B., Sava, F.A., Larsen, T.M.B., Anderssen, N., Rotaru, T.Ș., Rusu, A., Sălăgean, N., Tulbure, B.T. (in press). An Internet-based Intervention to increase the ability of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual people to cope with adverse events: Single-group feasibility study. JMIR Formative Research, 8, e56198,
*Lupuleac, C., & Sava, F.A. (2024). Romanian Version of the Frustration Discomfort Scale (FDS). A preliminary validation on a non-clinical sample. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 42, 544-557
Latu, I., Sălăgean, N., Larsen, T., Isbășoiu, A., Sava, F.A. (2024). Testing the effectiveness of an intervention to improve Romanian teachers’ LGBT+ related attitudes, cognitions, behaviors, and affect: A randomized control trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e54254,
Crişan, I., Maricuţoiu, L. P., & Sava, F. A. (2023). Strategies to detect invalid performance in cognitive testing: An updated and extended meta-analysis. Current Psychology, 42(4), 3236-3257
Crișan, I., Sava, F. A., & Maricuțoiu, L. P. (2023). Strategies of feigning mild head injuries related to validity indicators and types of coaching: Results of two experimental studies. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 30(6), 705-715
Casini, E., Richetin, J., Sava, F.A., Perugini, M. (2023). The moderating role of neuroticism on evaluative conditioning: New insights on the processes underlying this relationship. Collabra: Psychology, 9(1), e: 74820
De Houwer, J., Perugini, M., Boddez, Y., Sava, F. (2023). A roadmap for future interactions between research on personality and learning. Collabra: Psychology, 9(1), e: 88334
Gwendolyn, G., Lee, D.I.,...Sava, F.A., Thi Thu Bui, H. (2023). The economic well-being of nations is associated with positive daily situational experiences. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 4, e: 100088
Marian, Ș., Costantini, G., Macsinga, I., Sava, F.A. (2023). The dynamic interplay between anxious and depressive symptoms in a sample of undergraduate students. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 45(1), 150-159.
Marian, Ș., & Sava, F.A. (2023). Identifying central negative thoughts using experience sampling and network analysis. Cognitive Therapy & Research, 47(5), 707-719
*Samfira, E.M., & Sava, F.A. (2023). The effectiveness of a rational-emotive intervention on teachers' unconditional self-acceptance, perfectionism, and pupil control ideology. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, e: 1240269
Imhoff, R., Zimmer, F., …Sava, F.A…. & van Prooijen (2022). Conspiracy mentality and political orientation in 26 countries. Human Nature Behaviour, 6(3), 392-403,
Crişan, I., Sava, F. A., Maricuţoiu, L. P., Ciumăgeanu, M. D., Axinia, O., Gîrniceanu, L., & Ciotlăuş, L. (2022). Evaluation of various detection strategies in the assessment of noncredible memory performance: Results of two experimental studies. Assessment, 29(8), 1973-1984,
Dudău, D. P., & Sava, F. A. (2022). The development and validation of the Romanian version of Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count 2015 (Ro-LIWC2015). Current Psychology, 41(6), 3597-3614
Marian, Ș., Sava, F.A., Dindelegan, C. (2022). A network analysis of DSM-5 avoidant personality diagnostic criteria. Personality and Individual Differences, 188, e 111454,
Popa, C. O., Sava, F. A., Muresan, S., Schenk, A., Cojocaru, C. M., Muntean, L. M., & Olah, P. (2022). Standard CBT versus integrative and multimodal CBT assisted by virtual reality for generalized anxiety disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
* Samfira, E. M., & Sava, F. A. (2021). Cognitive-behavioral correlates of pupil control ideology. PloS One, 16(2), e0246787.
* Dudău, D. P., & Sava, F. A. (2021). Performing multilingual analysis with Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count 2015 (LIWC2015). An equivalence study of four languages. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:570568.
* Isbășoiu, A.B., Tulbure, B.T., Rusu, A., Sava, F.A. (2021). Can we boost treatment adherence to an online transdiagnostic intervention by adding self-enhancement strategies? Results from a randomized controlled non- inferiority trial. Frontiers in Psychology
Tripa, L., Sava, F. A., Paloș, R., Măgurean, S., & Macsinga, I. (2021). Evaluating the outcomes of „Resilient left behind children”–A social-emotional learning and mindfulness group counseling program. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 25(1), 33-53.
Petrisor, A., Maricutoiu, L., & Sava, F. A. (2021). The do’s and don’ts of supervisor behavior. Supervisor personality as predictor for subordinate’s job insecurity and citizenship behaviors. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 19(1), 6-16.
Crișan, I., Maricuţoiu, L. P., & Sava, F. A. (2021). Effectiveness of immediate vs. delayed recall in detecting invalid performance in coached and uncoached simulators: Results of two experimental studies. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 23(2), 32-39.
Baranski, E., Sweeny, K., Gardiner, G., Guan, Y., ... Sava, F.A. ... & Funder, D. C. (2021). Who in the World is Trying to Change Their Personality Traits? Volitional Personality Change Among College Students in 56 Countries. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(5), 1140-1156
Baranski, E., Sweeny, K., Gardiner, G., ... Sava, F.A. ... & Funder, D. C. (2021). International optimism: Correlates and consequences of dispositional optimism across 61 countries. Journal of Personality, 89(2), 288-304.
* Sava, F. A., Payne, B. K., Măgurean, S., Iancu, D. E., & Rusu, A. (2020). Beyond contingency awareness: the role of influence awareness in resisting conditioned attitudes. Cognition and Emotion, 34(1), 156-169.
* Sava, F. A., Dindelegan, C., & Sălăgean, N. (2020). The utility of the Personality Clinical Form Indicators of Response Distortion: Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis. Romanian Journal of Psychology, 22(1), 1-8.
Dudău, D.P., Sava, F.A., Rusu, A., Cervicescu, V. (2020). Detecting Individuals High in Neuroticism based on the Color Features of the Facebook Profile Picture. 22nd International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC), 286-293,
Tripa, L., Sava, F. A., Palos, R., Măgurean, S., & Macsinga, I. (2020). Adult psychological outcomes of former left behind children in Romania. Romanian Journal of Psychology, 22(2), 51-58.
Gardiner, G., Lee, D., Baranski, E., Funder, D., & International Situations Project. (2020). Happiness around the world: A combined etic-emic approach across 63 countries. PloS One, 15(12), e0242718.
Lee, D. I., Gardiner, G., Baranski, E., International Situations Project, & Funder, D. C. (2020). Situational experience around the world: A replication and extension in 62 countries. Journal of personality, 88(6), 1091-1110.
Curşeu, P. L., Ilies, R., Vîrgă, D., Maricuţoiu, L., & Sava, F. A. (2019). Personality characteristics that are valued in teams: Not always “more is better”?. International Journal of Psychology, 54(5), 638-649.
Tulbure, B. T., Rusu, A., Sava, F. A., Sălăgean, N., & Farchione, T. J. (2018). A web-based transdiagnostic intervention for affective and mood disorders: randomized controlled trial. JMIR mental health, 5(2), e8901.
Neguţ, A., Matu, S. A., Sava, F. A., & David, D. (2016). Task difficulty of virtual reality-based assessment tools compared to classical paper-and-pencil or computerized measures: A meta-analytic approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 414-424.
David, O., Ionicioiu, I., Imbarus, A., Sava, F.A. (2016). Coaching banking managers through the financial crisis: effects on stress, resilience, and performance. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 34(4), 267-281.
Măroiu, C., Maricuțoiu, L.P., Sava, F.A. (2016). Explicit self-esteem and contingencies of self-worth: The moderating role of implicit self-esteem. Personality and Individual Differences, 99, 235-241.
Neguț, A., Matu, S.A., Sava, F.A., David, D. (2016): Virtual reality measures in neuropsychological assessment: a meta-analytic review, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30(2), 165-184.
Măgurean, S., Constantin, T., & Sava, F.A. (2016). The indirect effect of evaluative conditioning on smoking. Journal of Substance Use, 21(2), 198-203.
Maricuţoiu, L. P., Sava, F. A., & Butta, O. (2016). The effectiveness of controlled interventions on employees’ burnout: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(1), 1-27.
Vîrgă, D., Curșeu, P., Maricuțoiu, L., Sava, F.A., Macsinga, I., Măgurean, S. (2014). Personality, relationship conflict, and teamwork-related mental models. PLoS One, 9(11), e110223,
Sulea, C., Fine, S., Fischmann, G., Sava, F.A., Dumitru, C. (2013). Abusive supervision and counterproductive work behaviors. The moderating effects of personality. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 12(4), 196-200.
Crașovan, D., Sava, F.A. (2013). Translation, adaptation, and validation on the Romanian population of the COPE questionnaire for coping mechanisms analysis. Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 17(1), 61-76
* Sava, F.A., Maricuțoiu, L.P., Rusu, S., Macsinga, I., Vîrgă, D., Cheng, C.M., & Payne, B.K. (2012). An Inkblot for the implicit assessment of personality: The Semantic Misattribution Procedure. European Journal of Personality, 26(6), 613-628.
Sulea, C., Virga, D., Maricutoiu, L.P., Schaufeli, W., Zaborila Dumitru, C., Sava, F.A. (2012). Work engagement as mediator between job characteristics and positive and negative extra-role behaviors. Career Development International, 17(3), 188-207.
Maricuțoiu, L.P., Rusu, S., Vîrgă, D., Macsinga, I., & Sava, F.A. (2012). Images of the self: Prediction of peer-evaluations of one’s personality, using implicit and explicit self-assessments. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 682-686.
Gavița, O.A., Freeman, A., Sava, F.A. (2012). The development and validation of Freeman-Gavita Prescriptive Executive Coaching (PEC) multi-rater assessment. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 12(2), 159-174.
Maricuțoiu, L.P., Macsinga, I., Sava, F.A., Rusu, S., Vîrgă, D. (2012). Adaptation and validation of Self-Worth Scale on a Romanian sample. Cognition, Brain, Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16(1), 121-138
* Sava, F.A., Maricuțoiu, L.P., Rusu, S., Macsinga, I., Vîrgă, D. (2011). Implicit and explicit self-esteem and irrational beliefs. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 11(1), 97-111.
* Sava, F.A., Yates, B.T., Lupu, V., Szentagotai, A. & David, D. (2009). Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of cognitive therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, and fluoxetine (Prozac) in treating depression: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65(1), 36-52.
* Sava, F.A. (2009). Maladaptive schemas, irrational beliefs, and their relationship with the five-factor personality model. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 9(2), 135-147.
* Sava, F.A., Sperneac, A.M. (2006). Sensitivity to reward and sensitivity to punishment rating scales: A validation study on the Romanian population. Personality and Individual Differences, 41(8), 1445–1456.
* Sava, F.A. (2002). Causes and effects of teacher conflict-inducing attitudes towards pupils: a path analysis model. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18, 1007-1021,
* Sava, F.A. (2000). Is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder an exonerating construct? Strategies for school inclusion. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 15(2), 149-157,
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Birou: 155