Acasă » Proiecte
TASC Social Change through Sustainable Communication in Lifelong Learning in Schools and Society
Conf. univ. dr. Ioana Dârjan
Conf. univ. dr. Ioana Dârjan -coordonare partener UVT
Conf. univ. dr. Mihai Predescu
2023 – 2026
Vives University of Applied Sciences, Belgia
Almada Forma, Portugalia
Region of Murcia
Ludwigsburg University of Education
Meraki, Valencia
Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, România
Universitatea Babeș – Bolyai Cluj NApoca, România
Școala 30 Timișoara, România
Vilniaus Kolegiam, Lituania
Eekhout, Belgia
Obiectivele generale ale TASC pot fi rezumate astfel: Dorim să oferim profesorilor actuali și viitori abilitățile necesare pentru a deveni profesori europeni reflexivi și agili, capabili să prevină, să reducă sau să elimine violența, discriminarea, polarizarea, excluderea și bullying-ul. Profesorii își consolidează identitatea europeană și valorile UE prin formare în abilități de comunicare și acțiune non-violentă, interculturală și restaurativă, contribuind astfel la cooperarea în învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții. Rezumat aceste abilități ca abilități de comunicare sustenabilă.
Competența de „comunicare sustenabilă” integrează atitudini, valori, abilități, cunoștințe și înțelegere sau conștientizare critică.
Sustainable AccessibIlity to the LAbour Market (SALAM) – ID02CO513 Francesca Torlone, Universitatea din Florența
Facultatea de Sociologie și Psihologie
Conf. dr. Marius-Lupșa MATICHESCU
Conf. univ. dr. Daniel LUCHEȘ
Conf. univ. dr. Melinda DINCĂ
Prof. univ. dr. Simona SAVA – coordonare partener UVT
Conf. univ. dr. Anca LUȘTREA – coordonare partener UVT
1.04.2024-31.03.2027, cu extensie până în iunie 2028
ADR Vest – partener al proiectului
Prefectura Județului Timiș – partener asociat
AJOFM Timiș – partener asociat
Innovating the use of Labour Market Intelligence within European Universities (LMI-EUniv)
Prof. univ. dr. Ciprian Pânzaru
Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. Erasmus+ Programme Grant.
March 2022 – February 2024
To support the decision-makers from HEI in using labour market information, an LMI Hub will be developed to aggregate LMI sources useful for HEI and a guide will be made available to help HEI to use LMI in planning their activity.
Within this project will be mapped the essential LMI sources at the national level and explore how HEI in Europe are using them (to match the education/courses; to inform the content of the taught curriculum, and to evidence new and emerging requirements from policymakers).
Mid Life Skills Review – Growth and Quick Wins
Prof. univ. dr. Ciprian Pânzaru
Strategic Partnerships for adult education. Erasmus+ Programme Grant.
January 2021 – December 2022
“The project seeks to promote the continued take up of Mid Life Skills Reviews by building on the existing and well used Value My Skills Tool (VMS Tool) to create an innovative suite of NEW materials.
The online tool is available in ten languages: English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish, and the TUC are already expanding the language offer to include Romanian with their own resources.
VMS is an innovative skills assessment tool used by skills coaches in partnership with learners (older people in the workplace). It is an opportunity to improve basic skills for adults, including literacy, numeracy and ICT skills and generally to build the capacity in adult digital skills in the workplace.”
“The Mid-Life Skills Review Project intend to develop a new good practice model for the delivery of a mid-life ‘skills’ review – with the emphasis on reviewing skills and competences and targeted at those members of the labour market with low levels of basic skills in literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.”
Acquiring Crisis-proof Skills through Online Learning (ACSOL)
Prof. univ. dr. Ciprian Pânzaru
Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Erasmus+ Programme Grant.
May 2021 – August 2023
“The ACSOL intellectual outputs and activities will have a series of long-lasting impacts and there will be especially significant impact on the target users of the Toolkit. The low-skilled European workforce of the social care sector and the culture sector will be benefitting from our toolkit because it will help them acquire the digital skills they need both to access online, distance or blended training, and to maintain or transform their jobs in these sectors.
– Guide to digital Skills in the social care sector and the arts, entertainment and culture sector.
– Key strategies and contents on digital skills for hybridization of jobs in the social care sector and the arts, entertainment and culture sector.
– Online-learning Toolkit for Workers of the social care sector and the arts, entertainment and culture sector.”
“The ultimate aim of the ACSOL project is to expand adult digital skills training provision through online learning targeting two covid-19 vulnerable sectors: workers in social care/health support and workers in the entertainment, arts and culture sector.
Project website:
Laura Malita & Gabriela Grosseck
Uniunea Europeană (Erasmus+ grant), Universitatea de Vest Timișoara
September 2017- December 2020
Tangible results:
-newsletter of the project
-intellectual outputs and multiplier events described in the corresponding sections (which includes most of the outputs)
-development of different protocols and procedures for the development of e-Learning activities based on the pilot experiences
Intangible results:
-improvement of evaluation process in online learning
-improvement and enhancement of the students centred paradigm in international education
-improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of elearning tools for professors, universities
-better understanding of the difficulties which arise during elearning processes
Pagina web a proiectului
Classroom Laboratory
Melinda Dincă (Project Manager / Researcher)
The Classroom Laboratory project benefits from a 104000 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants.
Project start date : 01 Sep 2019
Project end date : 31 Aug 2021
Penser, raconter, vivre L’Europe à l’école
Sept. 2017 – august 2018 Conf. univ. dr. Adia – Mihaela Chermeleu
Sept. 2018 – dec. 2019 Lect. univ. dr. Claudia Borca
Uniunea Europeană
Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara
01 septembrie 2017 – 31 august 2019
- «Penser, racontor, vivre l’Europe à l’école» (PEREV) est un projet d’«Innovation» qui examine de nouvelles perspectives et différentes méthodologies visant à rendre l’idée d’Apprendre l’UE à l’école plus attrayante et mieux adaptée aux spécificités de l’école primaire, par la conception des activités d’apprentissage de l’UE dans des formes ludiques: légendes, récit des expériences personnelles dans l’espace européen, contes de fée, participation à des activités culturelles envisageant l’espace commun européen etc.
- L’objectif est la promotion des valeurs européennes et la formation des compétences transversales sur l’UE par des approches didactiques innovatrices, interactives dans l’enseignement primaire. La plupart des projets réalisés jusqu’à présent chez nous, ayant comme thème Apprendre l’Europe à l’école, ont traité le sujet dans la perspective de la citoyenneté européenne, ce qui représente une étape importante et nécessaire. Cependant, le processus de l’identification européenne doit dépasser l’étape d’adaptation à un modèle de citoyenneté qui défend plutôt une culture politique et une identité civique. La valorisation de l’apprentissage formel, nonformel et informel de l’héritage commun européen peut conscientiser au niveau de l’école primaire –professeurs et élèves – l’appartenance à un espace culturel, afin de cimenter le passage d’une citoyenneté à l’identité européenne.
- L’école du XXIème siècle peut devenir un vecteur d’identité, dans le but de conscientiser et de développer un sentiment d’attachement aux valeurs de l’Union européenne. En fait, il s’agit de la méthode de Jean Monnet, celle des projets concrêts, des petits pas pour atteindre la maturation des intérêts communs.
- Nous sommes conscients qu’une construction identitaire à cet âge est impossible, en même temps,nous savons qu’une action éducative bien conçue, ainsi que les activités d’apprentissage innovantes et créatives peuvent créer le fondement de cette identité.
Proiect de Cercetare asupra Percepției Publice a Riscurilor de Mediu
D-Eva: Evaluarea competențelor practice cu tehnologii digitale în formarea profesorilor (2020-1-ES01-KA226-HE-095485)
Prof. univ. dr. Simona-Lidia SAVA
Uniunea Europeană (Erasmus+ grant), Universitatea de Vest Timișoara
Martie 2021 – Februarie 2023.
Sub coordonarea Universității Autonome din Barcelona, cu contribuția partenerilor din Olanda, Islanda și România, în perioada martie 2021-februarie 2023 se va derula proiectul ”Evaluarea abilităților practice cu ajutorul tehnologiilor digitale în formarea profesorilor”. Prezentarea succintă a proiectului o găsiți AICI, respectiv în limba engleză AICI.
D-Eva website.
European Studies and Research in Adult and Learning Education – ESRALE
Bringing Real Life into Virtual Classrooms
Melinda Dincă
The Bringing Real Life into Virtual Classrooms project benefits from an 89.353 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants
15/02/2022 – 30/09/2023
International Summer School in Social Anthropology
Classroom Laboratory NTNU – UVT Joint Course
International Conference „Challenges and Benefits of Learning and Teaching in Virtual Classrooms”
Study report on learning outcomes’ assessment in virtual classrooms
Study report on reflective learning in virtual classrooms
Joint publications
Project Promoter: West University of Timisoara
Project Partner: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Project no: SEE 21-COP-0004
E-Support services for career and vocational counseling of youth entering to the labor market – RORS 406
Proiect transnațional ERASMUS – ADEaPTIVE
Cercetarea privind percepția publică a riscului environmental / Survey on Public Perception of Environmental Risks.
Prezentarea proiectului European Studies and Research in Adult and Learning Education (ESRALE) – ro
Prezentarea proiectului European Studies and Research in Adult and Learning Education (ESRALE) – en